January Meeting

Having trouble finding anything about it, maybe I just missed it???

Hi Gobyvin,

We have not had anything booked for this month. When looking at possible dates and activities the halls we were looking to book were already taken for the dates we were looking for.

January seems to be difficult to get a meeting together if it is not planned the previous year with the new bod members and our availability for this month and us getting organized and in place and transitioning after the holidays.

We are trying to meet as a BOD this weekend to plan February-June and our fragtastic show. Once we have a hall booked for the dates we will put a long range calendar up so people can plan accordingly to come to the meetings.

February will be our first meeting this year and we currently are looking to book March 10th for the annual auction in Framingham.

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Thanks for asking @gobyvin and thanks for answering @aresangel. Looking forward to planning my calendar for the upcoming months. Really looking forward to Farmers Frag show in March.