Reef Crystals batch is whack..


Senior Moron
Tested alk on my salt change water and read 6.0 on Hanna. Crossed check with Red Sea kit and was like 6.5. Checked again and same results. Mag and Ca was good.

Anybody else have this experience? I thought RC had higher alk levels?

Specific gravity 1.026
Was the bag exposed to heat or very cold conditions (are you storing the box in your garage)?or long periods of air?
Was there any clumping?

IO salt is not anhydrous and alk can potentially precipitate out if exposed significant temp swings like we've been having.
How old is that bucket of reef crystal?

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They are the 200 gallon boxes stored in my basement which has a consistent ambient temp.

They are less than a couple months old. I buy two or three at a time and use about a box a month.
How long did you mix the salt?

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Sometimes due to high alk and calcium in Reefcrystal, if you mix more than serval hours, it can cause precipitation and lead to low alk.

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It mixes for like a week in a 45 gallon barrel with air stones and a heater. Should I stop mixing so far in advance?

I will test a freshly mixed batch and then test a week later and see. Hopefully this is the cause!
I’ve read Red Sea coral pro does if you over mix it. No idea on rc but very possible
This is interesting convo. I've never realized that mixing fresh sw in advance could cause precipitation of the alk. I also use RC that I store in my basement (not temp controlled environment) and since starting this new tank my plan was to always have a batch of freshly mixed sw ready to go, which means keeping 20-30 gallons worth mixing in a brute barrel at all times (mix pump is on timer to go on few times throughout the day).

Perhaps I should rethink this method?
From my understanding you can mix it until it’s clear ( few hours ) then store it without using a heater or pump.RHF also says all saltwater stored will lose some alkalinity over time
From my understanding you can mix it until it’s clear ( few hours ) then store it without using a heater or pump.RHF also says all saltwater stored will lose some alkalinity over time

This may have just been my own assumption, but would it not go stagnant?
I’m going by Randy , he says it won’t as long as it isn’t a salt mix that has bacteria in it like the probiotics in some mixes
I might have to agree with you on this..low alk on my rc salt....I could have sworn it was something with my rodi water or well water.
But maybe just bad salt?
It only happen to those so called "reef salt" such as Red Sear coral pro and Reef Crystal. Both have insanely high alkalinity and calcium than salt water can hold on to.
I stop using both a long time ago as they are not good for some acropora, especially the dragon acro, red dragon, green dragon, pink dragon, rainbow dragon, two dragon, dragon that can drive a car, dragon that can't walk too far...
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I stopped using RC due to high alk and I always found the MG to be low. I've been using Live Aquaria salt since Nov. and its been much more consistent.
My experience with RC is totally different. High Mag and low Alk. I have no issues with dungeons and dragons growing and coloring well.

Maybe I should switch to Epsom Salt.
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