It has been a while!


I am jumping back in after a LONG break and have a few questions about some things that are new to me, as well as things I may have simply forgotten.

First and foremost, this setup is the first time I have ever used a controller and dosing. I know PH probes should be replaced every so often, what about the others?

For salt, I used reef crystals for a while, then transitioned to Red Sea coral pro which I liked. What is everyone using? I have some hw-marinemix reefer which I have never used, any good? Reef will eventually be a mixed reef.

Last but not least, test kits. I have used Red Sea in the past and never had any issues, any input on test kits is greatly appreciated. I have the foundation pro and marine care kits in my BRS cart now.

I want to place a decent order with BRS so any and all info and experience is appreciated! Going to cure my rock and start fresh, then I will be looking forward to buying coral from you guys!

Welcome back!

Man I wish I could help with your suggestions, but I keep it low budget on a teacher salary with a new kid! Here is what I can offer

I want a controller but don't use one.

I use instant ocean regular.

I test with API when I cycled... but have not really tested in a year. I have LPS/softie/zoa dominated tank with some sps, and 2 clams. I do water changes every 2-4 weeks.

Sorry for not being able to relate much to your post but I am happy with how my tank looks and how my coral grow so I guess that is worth something?

Again Welcome Back!

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If you're gunna be using a controller, I would get some pH calibration fluid. Test every few months or when something seems off with the reading. Temp probe generally lasts a good while, and if you get salinity probe those last a good while too.
I use instant ocean regular. As for test kits, I find certain nitrate and phosphate kits are better than others. API for kH and calcium, but I use salifert and Red Sea for the rest. It's better to have multiple kits to have a more accurate idea of the readings.
As for dosing, I have been using two little fishies two part, but am thinking about trying out the BRS brew.
Welcome back!

Great time to place BRS orders!

I can comment on my preferred test kits:
Alk and Phos - Hanna meters [benfit - sell check standards/accuracy standards, quick and simple procedure, no color comparison]
NO3 Red Sea [benfit - best color comparison tool and method until Hannah updates their NO3 checker]
Ca / Mg Salifert

I like this combo because of the ease of use, good precision and accuracy, and I can do all this testing in about 15-20 min (depending on how distracted I get)

I particularly like the Hannah alk checker, as it is very simple and quick to test. This allows me to keep the good practice of routine alk testing.

[Qualifications - Head of QC GMP Analytical lab; i.e. I find water chemistry and testing fun :) ]
Thank you all! I am going to grab the Hanna meters once they are back in stock at BRS. I can not wait to get this tank going, I may buy dry rock instead of curing all this rock that I already have. I am going to be in trouble after I make this BRS order, lol I want to buy all the modules for the Apex that I want now, before I set everything up and have to make changes to add them.
Thank you all! I am going to grab the Hanna meters once they are back in stock at BRS. I can not wait to get this tank going, I may buy dry rock instead of curing all this rock that I already have. I am going to be in trouble after I make this BRS order, lol I want to buy all the modules for the Apex that I want now, before I set everything up and have to make changes to add them.

Well they just got a little cheaper if you see this before sale ends

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I like the lunar simulator module, it follows the actual lunar cycle. It's more of a geeky effect but I appreciate it lol
I have the reef link for my radion light as well, I think it does the lunar cycle. This is my first time using high tech equipment for a reef so I plan on going full geek.
Hanna checkers are fine but I don't think there's A big advantage to them unless one is colorblind and have trouble seeing the change in tritation tests.
Hanna alk is 8 bucks for 25 tests as opposed to $16 for 100-200 tests from salifert.

I use either IO or Fritz salt as I don't want a salt with alk much above 8. who keep a a tank at 13dkh like red sea says it is out of the bucket? Most of that will precipitate out before it's bio-available. I like buying a salt close to where I want to keep my tank. It will avoid potential spikes during water changes.

Ph probes need replacement. The temp probe claims indefinite life. I don't know about orp or conductivity probes, I've never used them.
I bought the Apex Jr with the stuff for the mixing station. If I just added another energy bar, wouldn't it need to be close to the Apex? My RO station is at the other end of the house unfortunately.
I would have just run a cable. You only need to run the aquabus cable (which is just a usb male to male cable) 30 feet is 20 bucks. I think that's cheaper than an apex Jr. Then you'll have 1 interface for all things. And less hassle getting them both on the net ect.
For the price I got the Jr for it is no sweat at all, I pretty much got it free with the other stuff I purchased. To run cable, I would have had to run in to and up the wall in to the attic then across the house. Sometimes I do wish I had drop ceilings in the basement.
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