Ann. Member Club Zoom Meeting May 19, 2024 6:30PM GUEST: Richard Ross (ReefBeef) Dong Zou (Acro Garden)

Added to Calendar: 05-19-24

Hey @BRS Member we have another meeting announcement for the month of May. Our next club member meeting on May 19, 2024 6:30PM. We will have discussions with Ben and Dong on some of the below subjects. You wont want to miss this one. This should be a great meeting with lots of opportunity for interaction.
Rich Ross & Dong Zou (1).png

1. Marketing vs reality, do expensive gears make reefing easier and more fun or just the opposite?
2. How to tell apart marketing vs practical advices on social media
3. Is there more room to improve for LED as a lighting method?
4. Is a reef tank mimic the ocean or a completely different ecosystem?
5. Dosing ammonia? Is it really practical or playing with fire?
6. Are books outdated?
7. Antibiotics, is this hobby abusing them?

We will Raffle off (1) ReefBeef T-shirt to one lucky paid member in your size shipped directly to your address.

Use the registration RSVP above to confirm.
Raffle at the end of the meeting for Paid Members

Must be present for the whole zoom meeting
Must be a paid Members to participate in the raffle
Not a paid member, Click Here for Membership


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Can macroalgae successfully be kept in the display in an sps/lps mixed reef?

Could any supplements reliably bring out a certain color in corals, or do they just bring colors out in general?
I watched a podcast recently where they visited SBB corals and he was dosing his entire system every few weeks with antibiotics prophylactically. So I think the question of whether we are abusing antibiotics is.... answered. of course people are.

I've heard it stated that "well cows pee out more antibiotics than we would ever use" which I feel is a weak argument, just because someone else is worse is not an excuse to be bad

I've also heard that we could use antibiotics safely if people treated the waste water with bleach or killed all bacteria in their waste water in some other fashion, and I can say with certainty that the average reefer is not going to do that.

I am not sure where we go from here, since folks seem to have latched on to antibiotics, but I fear whatever it is will be short lived as we undoubtedly will face a ban on their use much like exists in Europe today. "If you cant be trusted to use your toys safely, you lose your toys"

Should be a great discussion, I have not met Dong Zou but I enjoy the reef beef podcast very much.

Lots of great topics!

One of my favorites is the dichotomy of reefing these days:

- On one hand we invent ever stronger ways to keep the tank sterile (rollermats, stronger skimmers, more powerful UV) and on the other hand we recognize that the critters suffer if the environment gets too stripped down. Which is also strange considering how devoid of nutrients and food the water on an actual reef is (most of the time). [touches on the our tanks vs the real reef topic]

- On one hand we have aquabiomics and lots of folks desperate for more or "the right" bacteria in their tanks and animals, and on the other hand we have reefers and wholesalers dosing their systems with broad spectrum antibiotics just wiping out the natural bacterial landscape.

One thing that I am glad to see is that it seems like the "frag star millionaire" bubble has burst a bit and fewer people are getting into reefing thinking that it is just a fast way to turn a buck. When I lived in Cali and reefed there around 2018 that was definitely the case. Everyone buying a 1" frag and the next week selling two 0.5" frags. I am glad to see businesses growing that QT fish in a responsible manner and offer fantastic, responsible, and ethically raised corals and animals.

I used to love going to the Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, what an epic place, I think Rich used to work there. Very cool spot, their filtration rooms were amazing. Not quite as epic as the lab under Rich's house though.
It's been so long since I have been here. I just realized I had an old email attached to this sight. So any emails have gone to the netherworld.

Emails were sent out last night but people are having difficulty finding it, so here u go
daaaaaamnit! I missed another one and one I REALLY wanted to see! I even set a reminder but my damn work computer didnt remind me. aghghghhg

I hope it was cool. I am setting phone reminders from now on.
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