cool fish for the smaller aquarium


I just setup a 60 gallon rimless cube and miss the options I used to have in the fish department. What are the brightest, coolest fish for those of us with smaller tanks? Any tangs that don't get big?
The Royal Gramma is always a stunner.....
Pink streaked wrasse has a nice personality, but there are tons of great wrasse to choose from....the longnose hawkfish is a favorite in my tank (not really compatible with shrimp though)...I think the regular firefish have beauty that is far superior to their relatively low price.....I like the yellow watchman goby, but there are so many nice gobies to choose from.....a mandarin if you have the pods.....hope that helps.
Midas Blenny 100% so much personality, always out swimming, and looks awesome!
Leopard Wrasse given you have a sand bed and pod population.
Mystery Wrasse for sure...
I vote for a Goby/Shrimp pair. A Randall's pistol with a Yasha or Prawn goby... Luv those guys!

Though I haven't seen my Randall's shrimp since I have added him to the new tank (I had a Yasha/Randall's pair in my old tank, but I crushed the Randall's shrimp by accident during the upgrade and had to get a new one :mad:. The Yasha hasn't found the new one yet, so I think that's why he doesn't come out of his burrow :() I hear him snapping from across the room all the time!

I have yet to see my Yasha/Tiger pistol since I added them to the tank over a week ago! I hear them though!
I have yet to see my Yasha/Tiger pistol since I added them to the tank over a week ago! I hear them though!

It takes a while... I think it took 2-3 months in my old 72G for them to pair up and the shrimp to start showing up. I think unless they are paired up with a goby, they feel threatened (due to being almost blind) and hide most of the time.

When they paired up in my last tank, I would see the Yasha hanging by their burrow and the shrimp picking out all the time... pretty cool to watch! :cool:
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Tanaka's Pygmy Wrasse
Pink Streak Wrasse
Rainfordi Goby
Swissguard Basslet
Orchid Dottyback (semi-aggressive)
Thanks for all the options. I think I will look into the wrasse family. I would love the shrimp gobie pair, but don't those shrimp just bury everything on your sandbed?
I would get some barnacle blennys, and either a assessor or a Barred Convict Goby. They're both cool to watch hang upside down under rock work.
Ive got a mystery bar wrasse in my 60 and hes great. Eats like a pig and fun to watch. Theres also the option of getting a few Anthias (Bartlett are the ones I have) or a harem of Fairy wrasses...I always wanted 3 McCossers fairy's(prettier than carpenters fairy's but thats my opinion).
My favorite fish in my 55g was my pygmy angel followed by my royal gramma

Good options.
Coral beauty or a flame angel in there? Nice.
Not always reef safe, so be careful.

Got money? Swissgaurd basslet as suggested is sweet. Labouti's wrasse is stunning. Pyle's wrasse could be cool.
Neon goby, if you don't mind small. Personable, out and about, and very bright blue (or gold). Plus they are hardy and tank raised, and get along with pretty well anything that doesn't eat them.
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