First time posting here....


Thanks for the add. Joined hoping to meet fellow reefers. Included are pics of my set up. 36 to 40 gallon bowfront. Different corals including frog Spawn, hammer coral, acan, candycane, several other corals. feel free to check them out and tell me what you think. Information is appreciated I'm always looking to learn something new. I
Also included is a picture of my 30 gallon bio cube. Really looking forward to start adding corals and other livestock in it. Waiting to buy skimmer for it as well as a few other items for my bowfront.

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Welcome aboard! I'm digging the aquascape in the bow front, can't wait to see it all filled in. What are you doing for filtration? Sump, hang on filter?
Thanks s_kelley. I had an Aqueon75 filter at the beginning but that got replaced by a Coralife skimmer. Not top-of-the-line but it works. A friend of mine suggested to ditch the filter stating that it catches a lot of waste in which the water that's supposed to be filtered runs through. Kind of makes sense. I'm only running the skimmer right now. Bought a crap load of live rock from Petco atleast 35 pounds as well as some dry rock that I got from a craigslist. Been running for about two months at least.

Would love to get a refugeum but I have limited space in the bottom of the stand so I would have to find a tall tank that will fit. I'm from Worcester, Ma!

How about you? Where are you from?

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Welcome to the club and the fourms. I hope you make it out to some of the meetings and keep posting about your tank here.
Welcome to the club and the fourms. I hope you make it out to some of the meetings and keep posting about your tank here.

Thanks wpeterson. Didn't know about the meetings but definitely plan on posting my progress.

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Nice, I have the exact same bow front. A fun tank to start with

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Nice, I have the exact same bow front. A fun tank to start with

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Thank you Aros. I had a 46 gallon bowfront which I like very much and found to be a perfect size but I noticed that the person I bought it from removed the top brace. After hearing what can happen with that top brace missing I got rid of it ASAP and downgraded

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Upcoming Events

June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
