Best Online Fish Store


Hey Everyone

I am looking for some tangs, tried waiting here for some livestock to show up but it's pretty limited compared to years ago.

Just wondering, what's the best place online to buy (fish only). I tried but they were out of stock for a few items.

Ps if anyone is selling reef safe fish do keep me in mind, primarily tangs!
I would think your local fish shop could get you what you want.

Only issue is, two things, they are most likely ordering from the same place as us anyways, and it's one more stressful situation put on the fish. I'd like to get from source as much as possible on the fish!
Yes Liveaquaria has decent quality fish.
If you order from DiversDen, fish are well taken care of despite the higher price. But you do pay for the quality.
If you order from regular Liveaquaria, they drop ship fish from one of the major wholesaler.

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My go-to online vendor for general fish is LA. For more specialized fish, I go to PacificIslandAquatics, AmongtheReef, and Aquatic Collection.
As much I like to support the local lfs, it has been pretty depressing every time I walked into the store lately. I always look forward to do my weekly LFS tour in NH two years ago when I can take the drive and go to 4 different stores. Even if one didn't have good stock, the next one may have something special. Now, there's only one and that is Jays. I always like to go there and still do. But recently, their stock is very average with close to nothing special. I don't know, maybe it's the day I go(Friday) but I thought they get their stock on Thursday night. What's even more disappointing is that you want something, he tells you to call on Tuesday when he does the ordering. You call him on Tuesday and tell him what you want. He'll say he'll put it in the order but call back Thursday night to see if what you're looking for has arrived. You call Thursday night to find out it's not in the order received. He asked you to call him again on Tuesday and the cycle continues. I did this for two weeks without any success. What I was looking for was nothing extremely rare either. One occasion was Blue Reeef Chromis and the other was Sunburst Anthias. I got fed up and ordered them from LA and they showed up in my doorstep the next day. Despite all this, I still take the drive there almost every week. But after 5minutes into the store, I felt the remorse of driving all the way there.
If you want something more rare, angelfish like Conspicuous, Personatus, Iterrupta angelfish. Rare tang, and wrassses, consult the above online vendors.
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Echo the post above. Just getting back to the hobby and LFS are lacking. Still go to Jay's, but yeah, the selection is thinner from what I remember (even accounting for summer being slow season).

Liveaquaria is great. LA seems to run more sales lately too. NY Aquatics I would not recommend.
Jay's selection has diminished. Didn't have turbo snails or nasarius snails either. No chromis' either... This has been the case the last 3 times that I have gone there, over a year period. 8(
My only online experience thus far has been KP Aquatics but they deal in Caribbean fish only. If you want an Atlantic Blue Tang I would recommend them!
Has anyone had recent experience with Bluezoo Aquatics?

They have a particular fish I've been looking for, but I'm nervous because it's an expensive one and it'll be my first time buying online.

BTW @dz6t, great meeting you yesterday!

BlueZoo has a good (and occasionally bad) reputation on another forum I frequent, mainly about anemones. (carpets and such) They seem to get some rare and interesting things in quite a bit.
So, FYI, liveaquaria is owned by PetCo, so if you have a PetCo near you, they can order anything from LiveAquaria you want through them. The two advantages of going through PetCo to buy from Liveaquaria, is that the fish will be put into an aquarium as soon as they are delivered instead of sitting in the cold outside your front door if you're not around to accept delivery, and if you're not happy with the fish they ordered, you don't have to pick them from PetCo (at least this is what the fish guy at my PetCo said), whereas Liveaquaria doesn't take returns (though they do refund dead fish). Also, liveaquaria insures their fish for 14 days while PetCo insures for 30 days.
About Liveaquaria,
The parents company, Drs Forsterandsmith, was purchased by Petco. But their operations are independent from Petco.

When you order “Liveaquaria” fish from Petco, if that was what the manger told you, he actually order from Quality Marine, who also is a supplier for Liveaquaria.

But, there are two things you need to be aware of:
1. You wont get the two weeks warranty offered by Liveaquaria, you wont get any customer support.

2. You may want to wait for the fish in Petco and get it before they put the fish in their tank.

By the way, Liveaquaria packs their fish well. There is no problem if the box sitting outside for a while.

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I think petco has no guarantee for their saltwater fish. Please ask the manger to confirm

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