Just moved to Lowell


I just moved to Lowell and was wondering if there's any reefers in the area? Maybe we could visit each other's tank and trade/buy/sell some frags.
in billerica, i need about 2 months lol! all my livestock is still in saugus. and the 90 is filling as i sit here
Look across the top of this page. See the "Quick Links" menu tab with the pull down arrow? Click on that sucker, and select the "Googlemap" link.
That'll show you reefers in the area: well at least those who added themselves to the map. :)
Hello, I'm also from lowell. I have a 180 gallon tank. Right now I am actually selling LR and some fish including a few tangs, a huge chocalate chip star and a pair of banded shrimp. Im moving and hate to see them go but I plan on making a shark tank when I restart my tank. If interested let me know. Goodluck.
welcome to lowell! well i'm not there anymore but my parents are and i lived there the first 22 years of my life. i also still worked there until a month ago. theres a fish store on bridge street that has great prices on fish.
I remember my first day in college catching a phrase etched into a desk in Ball 214:


Yeah, Lowell had a bad association, but it's really turned around. We flipped our condo for 7 times what we paid for it just 6 years earlier.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but we liked Lowell so much, we moved less than a mile away. :D

Anyway, we should get a Lowell tank tour going.

Who's interested?
in billerica, i need about 2 months lol! all my livestock is still in saugus. and the 90 is filling as i sit here

If you need help setting up the tank let me know...I moved and upgraded my tank from a 29g to a 55 and it took me the whole day.

Brewmaster said:
Yup, I'm in Lowell too.

What part? Centraville here!

I moved near the commuter rails. I'm just 5 minutes away from my work place compare to 45 minutes before.

budboy said:
Hello, I'm also from lowell. I have a 180 gallon tank. Right now I am actually selling LR and some fish including a few tangs, a huge chocalate chip star and a pair of banded shrimp. Im moving and hate to see them go but I plan on making a shark tank when I restart my tank. If interested let me know. Goodluck.

I would be interested in visiting your tank and see what I can buy. I'm free after 4pm everyday. I'm looking to buy add a couple of fish in my tank.

Qwank, where on Bridge street is the store?

Marko, I'm up for a tank tour around the Lowell area. Anyone else???
What do you folks think about this weekend?

There are 2 stores in Lowell. Masons aquarium on Bridge Street (only about a 1/4 mile from 110) and Textile Aquarium on University Ave. Lots of salt water fish, but no corals.
the best places to go is AG or AA that is anywhere near us lol im from the highlands and would prob like to take part in the tour too. o ya lowell is not that bad but it all depends what side of the street/part of the city you are located. :)
Noon Saturday sounds good for me.
We can start at my house if you want? I'm off of Andover Street in Belvidere.
Something just came up on Saturday for me, but I can do noon on Sunday if anyone else wants to join.
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