Do You Run RowaPhos?

Does anyone regularly run RowaPhos, PhosBan or any other Iron Oxide based media for phosphate removal?

If you do, please show me your reactor setup, where you got it, and any other details (including links to DIY reactors) that would be helpful to prospective users of this type of system. TIA:)
>I run the two little fishies reactor with generic ferric hydroxide media.<

Ditto. I have three that I run in series. About once every 6 weeks I take the first one off line, clean it, recharge it, and make it the last in the series.
I run 3 phosban reactors in series with generic granular ferric oxide also. I'm looking to build/purchase a larger one. Changing out 3 small units is a pita. back. still got to keep the post counts too! let me people run rowaphos or equivalent without knowing their phosphate level? or does everyone test for it and how?
I checked out Marine Depot that has a larger PM reactor (it looks like a fluidized bed filter ???) that looks like it would handle my system's water volume. Is there any rule of thumb to go by when deciding what size reactor to purchase? back. still got to keep the post counts too! let me people run rowaphos or equivalent without knowing their phosphate level? or does everyone test for it and how?

we use the elos phosphate test kit check once a week right now there .3

steve& nicole

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