
  1. NeverlosT

    NOAA predicts brutal hurricane season 2024

    To head off any "I lost everything, there was nothing I could do!" threads, lets talk about being prepared. Easiest path is a generator, either whole-house ($$$) or enough to run your fridge ($) for the fam and your powerheads/heater, maybe even alternate them. Some vehicles can power a...
  2. chadfish

    Starting a 2-day blackout

    So dinos showed up again in full force. Different strain this time - they don’t really go into the water column at night. Anyway, I have my new 22W UV set up in the 50 gal DT with about 100gph flowing thru it, and several towels over it to block the light. I’ve also suspended alk dosing to...
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June 9, 2024
Ben Johnson
Club Meeting
