5 month mark for my tank - current levels, how do things look so far?


It's been 5 amazing months with some speed bumps of course with my 75 gallon aquarium. I just did a complete test of levels with my API test kit and would like to post the progress and get opinions. Keep in mind I do a 5 gallon water change every week with Oceanic salt.

Ammonia - 0
Phosphate - 0.25
Nitrate - 5.0
Ph - 8.4
Alk(KH) - 8
Calcium - 490 (my salt mix has high calcium... It's been steady at this level....)
Mag - I don't have a test kit yet but last month it was 1380
Salinity(with refractometer) - 1.026

I use strictly RO from my LFS and soon when I set up my RODI unit I all be making my own. I hope I am over my main hurdles. Please give input on your thoughts.

What stemmed this post of results is my Duncan's seem retracted this morning and some completely retracted. But they sometimes do that and I always have crabs climbing in them and my clowns rubbing them sometimes at night.