Adding live rock filled bin to system


In my basement room I am running out of room in the sumps to store rock for biological bacteria and looking to plumb in a brute barrel as a live rock vat and have it fed by manifold with uniseals drain into the sump. The barrel would be in an un insulated part of the basement and so my plan is to insulate it and always have the lid on it. It will be a 32 gal barrel with about the water level 4 inches below lid. Should I put an airdrome or power head in there ? Is this suitable for beneficial bacteria in a dark container with lid as long as there is circulation?
It would be mostly like a flow through closed lid barrel filled with rock and just drain back into sump in fish room
that would work as long as the rock is covered and the circulation back to the sump, you don't need a powerhead. Detritus might build up over time and you will clean it like the sump.
That is more like Tyree's crytic zone. Go for it.