Anybody running aquanotes app on iPhone here?


I am having trouble with mine connecting to my apex. It worked fine last night, now today when I open the app and it connects it says "connection failed. Firmware update required?". There's no app update (I just downloaded it yesterday anyway) and my apex is running the latest firmware version. I restarted apex, and I get the same error message. I am also having trouble with getting the Internet access setup properly (incorrect router settings, fios is a pita!) any suggestions?
I fooled around again for a few hours tonight and I now have my app working on both my LAN and on 3g so I am happy about being able to monitor and control through the app from anywhere. However I now cannot seem to access my Apex through my computer on my LAN. I have set up a DynDNS account, but have not tried to access the apex from a source outside of my network aside from the iphone which works. I dont know if I have something meesed up in my router settings or what, but I guess Ill keep playing until I get it right. Looks like I am learning a bit about networking as well too!
We have ours set up too. But I have to admit that my husband does all the set up, lol. It is pretty cool to check on the tank from any where :)
Works quite well on iPad also. Very handy tool to have when you're away from home. At least you can have someone look in on your tank if you get a notification.

I run it on my AC Jr as well. I had a very old Dell desktop with XP on it laying around.

Good luck with it. Once you get it up and running it's a set it and forget it type of thing.
However I now cannot seem to access my Apex through my computer on my LAN. I have set up a DynDNS account, but have not tried to access the apex from a source outside of my network aside from the iphone which works.

When connecting from your local LAN, do not use the dyndns address to connect. Use the local ip to connect.
It will not connect using the apex's ip, or it's hostname. It seems like my computer is blocking it somehow. I can't connect to the web interface through my phones browser either, no matter if I'm in 3G, wifi, or using my dyndns address or standard ip. Basically I can only control through my apex display, and the limited control I have through the aquanotes app. I may spend some more time playing with it tonight. I am more than sure I am overlooking something simple and it's just a matter of finding it.

A new problem I have discovered is my graphs in aquanotes aren't loading. Well, particularly the Y axis and it's preventing the graph from generating. Everything else on the app is functioning properly.
Also when using DynDNS make sure that you log into it every 30 days or less or you will get your account terminated. I speak from actual experience. I have 2 connections set up on my AquaNotes on my iPhone one for when I am at home directly connect through my LAN and one with the DynDNS
Also when using DynDNS make sure that you log into it every 30 days or less or you will get your account terminated. I speak from actual experience. I have 2 connections set up on my AquaNotes on my iPhone one for when I am at home directly connect through my LAN and one with the DynDNS

I had this happen to me as well, you can get a year subsciption for $15, that way you have to be lazy like me and only have to remember once a year:)
Also when using DynDNS make sure that you log into it every 30 days or less or you will get your account terminated. I speak from actual experience. I have 2 connections set up on my AquaNotes on my iPhone one for when I am at home directly connect through my LAN and one with the DynDNS

Yup that's exactly how mine is set up too, two connections.
Well I just got off the phone with Neptune, I've got an older firmware version in my apex. I am going to load the latest version tonight and hopefully that will be the fix for all my problems.
It's amazing what a firmware update will do! All my issues that I know of are resolved. Now I just have to keep my fingers crossed that my datalogs stay active for more than 48 hours and everything will be perfect.
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