anyone have a fish take a flying leap?


My carpenter wrasse just leaped out of my tank and did the happy haddock on the floor for about 10 seconds and now he doesnt look very good.He's just sitting against a rock and barely breathing.Just wanted to know if anyone had this problem and if there fish had died or not?

Wrasse is a well known jumper. You might want to cover the top of your tank. I know some people who have their wrasse jump out even after having them in the tank for a while. I hope your carpenter wrasse makes it. They are beautiful fish.
Lots of fish jump. I have a fully enclosed hood on my 125g to prevent jumpers. I had a chromis jump out of my 55g - no top
found my sand sifting goby took a faithful jump 2 wks ago, didnt find it till the next day.... RIP
Sounds like that guy who tried to commit suicide by parking his car on the railroad tracks then backed out of it at the last moment and ending up killing 10 other people.

Id imagine he wasnt very happy either....
Hope he pulls through :)
thankx everyone.Think im gonna try some eggcrate.anyone else have any other suggestions for a top.Sorry to hear about your goby Clamm.

both of my 2 new ones ( carpenters) have jumped the male 3 times the female 2 also my sixline had jumped months ago after being in the tank for about a year was out for quite some time 2-3 minutes maybe before I noticed was cold stiff and had dust balls on him I placed him in front of the pump to get some oxygen going stayed in my hand for a few minutes then swam/dived the bottom of the tank and sat there for the nite 2 days later would never know he had a near death experience :)
and he actually jumped again a few days ago
and yes even with the eggcrate the female has already jumped thru it once landed on top of the eggcrate rather than the floor though...
so back to the drawing board to come up with something else that will work
The Purple Tang I had for over a year decided to jump last week. I came home and found him dead on the floor. :(
Oh yeah....finally got enough guts to buy an Australian Harlequin Tusk for $125. Next morning found him behind the tank with Purina written all over him :-(. I don't spend more than $30 on fish any more.
My arc eye jumped out last week...found him on the floor the next morning :(

You could maybe try covering the top of the tank with plastic craft sheets..the ones used for needlepoint. i have been using a sheet in my tank as a divider and it works great. plus it was only .20 a sheet @ Michaels Craft store.
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woke up this morning and the little guy is doing fine.scared the crap out of me.thanx for the help on the tops and for the scarey jumping stories.

I just lost my jawfish this morning, he'd been happily building a rather extensive cave network and this morning he was stiff as a board on the carpet :(