AquaC Urchin Pro Skimmer


Does anyone have this skimmer? I am getting stuff together for a 55, and this will be my first sump. I am going to be getting a custom acylic sump, but I can only fit a one that is 8 1/2-9 inches wide inside the stand. I've always heard good things of the AquaC Remora, and figured that this one would probably be good too. It says its rated up to 125 gals. Most other skimmers don't seem to have a small enough foot print, or would barely make it.
i am using one on my 54 galon reef and am happy with it but i do not have any other to compare it to. if you do get one dont use the rio pump upgrade it to a mag. good luck
I agree with mchud...I'm using one driven by a MAG5 in my sump on a 75Gal and it seems to working pretty well.
I was thinking of getting the one with the Mag 3, do any of you use the drain fitting for the skimmate junk?