Black Clown Fish Question.


So we have a pair of BLACK Picasso Clown fish, fat healthy and as mean as always...

BUT our female, has turned BROWN! Thoughts?!?! Where he black WAS, she is now Brown (ugly too!)

I just saw something mentioned in a RBTA post in the picture thread about living in an Rbta they loose there onyx color? Would this be the case? Or would it be something else! I will post some pics of her once we get home, or Jordan will, who ever gets to it first.

yes, that was the case for a pair of picasso I used to have. I took away the BTA but they did not turn black again.
very interesting! Never heard of that before until now, we were scared there was something wrong with her...Happy to hear that, but bummed she lost her color, she was BEAUTIFUL!
She lives with a BTA not an Rbta, but I am figuring all the same outcome...she has lived with it for 2 years, interesting that it took that long to change her.
Got any pics? I'm curious, never heard of clown colors shifting like that.
i was actually seriously considering a bta but now im reconsidering! my other clown is a solid black and white...maybe a carpet :rolleyes:
My plain old orange occi clowns developed spots of dark pigment after they began hosting, clowns actually get stung when they begin to host and need to build up a tolerance to the anemone.
Well this clown has been with this specific nem for about 2 year at this point. This color shift happened fairly rapidly, and hasn't gone away. Her mate shows no signs of any color shift. Also the female has not changed any of her habits, still eats, is still the boss of the tank, still bite me (how IS clownfish sushi...)

On an interesting note, our pair of "fostered" clowns in my frag tank have done the COMPLETE opposite, which I hadn't noticed until tonight. The female in there has gone from the normal orange/white with minimal black, to almost turning exclusively black, with patches of orange (with still the normal white).

There is some FUN color shifts going on in this tank right now. But everyone is eating and still acting normal, so I'm chalking this up to nature!

I read they turn brown due to nutrients in certain foods.I had a pair that turned brown and changed their diet and now they are black again.
And honestly, I do not care that she is Brown, I was just worried that there was something wrong with her, health wise... I mean, I would love something to happen to make her at least a little nicer...haha, or jordan will make her sushi :) (Jk:)