bluethroat triggers


Hello everyone,
I'm looking for male and female bluethroat triggers. Does anyone know of a petstore around Mass (closer to plymouth prefered) that sells small ones?!!? Thanks for the help!

I know Marc down at Fishy Business in Chatham has one in the store. Not sure if it's a male or female, and he isn't very small - but very beautiful!
I think Marc's is a male. I say that because I believe only the males get the blue coloring in the throat. I believe females stay all gray.
For that reason, males are usually seen in stores.
But I bet they can order you a female if you contact them.
I got mine at Skipton but did not made home from LFS invation day :( if do find one let me know, my wife want another one :eek:
FYI: These fish are very timid and prone to stress and as a result must be treated with kit gloves. I got one that perished in a week. If you decide to get one, I would quarantine it and feed it to get it healthy and to avoid harassment from other fish in your display. Once these fish are acclimated to their home, I have heard that they can be very hardy pets. Good luck with the Bluethroat...they are beautiful fish!