Can shrimp cross breed?


Now with more baby
Along with a peppermint and a Coral Banded shrimp I had two skunk cleaner shrimp and one would have a batch of green eggs every few weeks. The one that carried the eggs disapeared before Christmas. Recently I picked up a fire shrimp and now, a few weeks later, the skunk has eggs for the first time.

I know the shrimp are somehow hermafrodites and can turn into females or be both or something, but can skunks breed with fire shrimp?? I guess it could just be coincidence and the eggs are not fertile and the skunk would have had the eggs anyway, but that is quite a coinkidink. Would the eggs still be green if they were duds from flying solo?
I believe shrimp are always simultaneous hermaphrodites, and will alternately fertilize eachothers eggs, thus doubling the eggbearing capacity of a couple (you and Eliot should consider this).

As far as whether the skunks and fire can fertilize eachother - well, it looks like you just answered that one yourself. :)