Cleaning & refilling calcium reactor ..

Mrs Fish

I need to refill my calcium reactor .. level has dropped to almost 1/2. I will also clean out the pump since I'll have it disconnected.

Since it took a while to dial it in, I'm a little reluctant to turn it all off and start again. So, should I turn of the CO2 ... or not? Does anyone leave it running into the air while it's being done. I know it's a minimal amount of CO2 ... but I'm not sure what I should do.

Mrs Fish
With mine, i just unplug the solonoid for co2 and my pump. Dismante, clean, reassemble. Once plugged back in and co2 turned on everything has same drip rate and bumble count.

Not sure how yours is plumbed, etc. So results may differ. What brand do you have?

It's a deltec. I don't have the CO2 value on the bottle open all the way .. so in combination with the 2 other dials, it would be difficult to get it back to the exact setting again.

The valve on the tank shouldn't matter, it's all in the regulator. Just shut close the solenoid, or close the valve on the tank.