Clown a dive / help


Hey everyone, last night I added 2 small snowflake clownfish to my tank. Parameters tested good. I acclimatedon't them for a nice long time. They are the first things in the tank. No other fish or corals. I kept the lights off all night (they did turn on by mistake last night 2 times for about 2 seconds when I was messing with my controller). This morning I noticed one of them looks like it has a milky white layer on one side and it's mouth is moving a ton. The white kind of looks like the film you get on the glass when you first add water and the sand settles. Any idea what this could be and what to do about it? Thanks.
let tank sit fallow for a while not sure what the time frame is for brook , but it kills very quickly good there were only a couple fish or you would most likely have lost them all , brook is a bad bad bad one
Yea it didn't make it. Hoping my other clown doesn't get it but with the luck I've had with this tank already so far it will also have it by tomorrow and probably die.
Could have been marine velvet. I'd keep the tank fallow and not add anything to it, not even coral for about 10 weeks.