Does anyone stir their own sand


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BRS Member
I was talking to someone at work and he was telling me that he stirs his own sand by hand no critters and that his only problem is that he needs a bigger tank (right now it's a 55gl.).All of his coarls are growing out of his tank and that he donates them to a lfs doesn't want any money it's just for fun.
That sounds a little weird. But hey if it works for him. Problem is that there are too many other variables. Does he have fish? How much does he feed? What kind of filtration does he have? Does he vacuum the sand before stirring it? Etc. Most people would probably trap detrius and cause problems from doing this. Any idea why he doesn't have that problem? What kind of corals does he keep?

Of course this is all assuming that would person prefer stirring sand over having a wider variety of critters in their tank. Can't say I fall into that group personally.
I let the snails, gobies, and conchs handle the sand stirring. I may take it to far and release all sorts of bad stuff if I'm stirring the sand.