Galaxea. What's the deal?


I've read that Galaxea loves high light, and I've also read that if you have MH lighting to put them low in your tank. Which is it? I got a piece about 1 1/4" in diameter from my boss a while back. It was fully extended in his tank and about 12" below his MH bulbs (He runs 14000K). Mine is about the same distance, but under 10,000K. Should it be lower?
Mine looks fine (from what I've seen in pictures), but when it was in his tank it just extended like I've never seen for a galaxea. It also hasn't sent sweepers out (which I really don't mind). I was just thinking now that maybe it is just getting too much flow where it is at.
just to throw a wrench in the works :D mine is at the bottom under 175 14 k's in lowish flow and is doing great,very few sweepers.
I always kept mine almost on the sand....grew from the size of a quarter to about the size of a tennis ball in one yr. Med to low flow is where I kept it....that was with T5s only. There is actually one growing in my tank from the remnants of the colony I sold and it it now the size of a nickel...same spot...doing great. Just watch out for its sweeper tentacles at night or even in the evenings.
I have mine under 2 250W and 1 400W.
I got it last summer and it was smaller than a golf ball.

It is not larger than my fist. I had it about 5-6 bellow the top of the water
about 4" to the side of the 250W. I recently moved it because it fell over.
It is now about 6-7" bellow the water directly under the 250W.

It's the happiest piece I have.

Thanks for the info guys. I guess they can just about go anywhere? I moved it down more and in a lower flow area. I wonder if it will do any different there.
I'm sure they can do well in high light also, but I find I can grow them quite well under 2X VHO bulbs. I have one in my main tank that grows well also, but is quite shaded, FWIW.