grape caulp. meltdown signs


Neptonic High Priest
Whats some of the signs of macro alge going sexual? Is the protien skimmer spiting out tons of clearish yllow liquid. I have an mixed clump of macro in the fuge.
Starts to look really pale, and not just at the growing tips. The color when this happens is inconsistent across the 'blades'. Almost looks like it's 'cracking'. ....not sure I helped too much. Anybody with a photo? FWIW, I've never seen it to be a big deal when it dies. Makes the tank surprisingly cloudy, but doesn't seem to case big problems. Anyone else ever have a Cauerpa melt down kill other stuff?
I had a sawtooth calupera meltdown many yrs ago. Pretty much the same thing, it evenly went quite pale, tank clowdy, not much adverse impact (but this was in a tank with little life anyway).