Has anyone else...


...noticed a difference in water evaporation when topoff is added twice a day, rather than once a day? I use to add 2.5 gallons of RO/DI water to my tank every morning but now I add 1 gallon in the morning and one gallon at night. So that is 1/2 gallon less a day that I have to add. Anyone have a good explanation why that would be? Just curious...
More air mixing with water in the sump therefor more surface contact and evaporation?? I notice whenever I have microbubbles the evaporation goes way up.
I noticed that when the seasons change I have to adjust the drip rate on topoff. So that seems pretty normal. You'll probably find as the winter sets in it may gradually need the 2.5
You're adding water in the morning, just before the photoperiod. The lights surely contribute to some evaporation right... I think *shruggin*? When you add later in the day, the photoperiod ends and the water surface temp must get lower and maybe that makes for less less evaporation? I dunno.. just a guess.
Did you have a fan on in the summer that is not running now? Is it warmer or cooler around the tank and sump? This will affect the evaporation quite a bit.
Did you mean to make this a new thread Jackie?

Anyways, try calling the delivery company. They can usually hold it at their local office for you to pick it up in the afternoon. That way it would stay indoors.

NateHanson said:
Did you mean to make this a new thread Jackie?

Anyways, try calling the delivery company. They can usually hold it at their local office for you to pick it up in the afternoon. That way it would stay indoors.


Nate, I think you posted this in the wrong forum... :D
No, Jackie did. But then she deleted her post and made a new thread. I think it was all a complex scheme to make me look senile. ;)
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