hippo and a yellow tang in a 120 gallons?


Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone successfully kept both purple and yellow tang in a 120 gallons with dimension of 48x24x24. Or better yet a hippo and a yellow tang in the same 120 gallons tank?

I got a perfect spot in the dinning room for the tank but it is only 57 inches long, so I can't get any 5' or 6' tank.

Hippo & YT seem to be a common pairing in 120's. I personally wouldn't put any other large fish in after that.
better off with the hippo and yellow tangs together than with the purple and yellow together. There is more fighting if they have similar body shapes. Hippos tend to be better if put in first.
In my current tank, i placed the yellow before i put the hippo. They both seemed fine. However, when I tried to add a powder brown, the yellow was not having it. He bullied powder brown so I had to return the powder brown back to LFS.

For anyone that cared about the details of the bullying, the yellow tang literally put the powder brown in its spot. Its as if the powder brown is only allowed to swim in one corner of the tank. If the powder brown leaves that spot, the yellow tang be in attack mode towards the powder brown and the timid powder brown would go back to its corner. This continues for about a day before I decided to return the powder brown.

If I were to add a timid fish (powder blue/brown, achilles), i think I would temporarily move my yellow tang to my sump when the new fish arrives. Then move him back in a week or so.
Not to hijack.. but what are some good combos for tangs? in a 6ft ?
does the 2 ft make a difference

other than the YT and hippo...
I have had 5 tangs together in a 6ft for 4 years before. They where actually all in a 90 (4ft) before they where transferred to the 6ft after an upgrade.

Purple, hippo, powder blue, sail fin and lavender. They did fine. I had introduced them all together at the same time.
for my 6' 220, in chronological order (old to new): vlamingi, yellow, yellow belly blue hippo, and naso. Thinking of getting a powder blue but the hassle of catching my yellow tang has postpone the addition :(
That is a cool pic, though. The way the light is reflecting of the glass with the windows makes it hard to figure out where the reflection begins and the tank ends.