Ick at Tropic Isle


Hey guys, just want to let anyone know if they were planning to buy fish at Tropic Isle to hold off .. or to ensure to use a QT tank.

Yesterday, I bought a blue hippo tang. Today I have Ick.

He is scratching himself and has little white dots on him. yey.

Now I have to go buy a QT tank and filters and all sorts of stuff.

In your experiences -- does Tropic Isle do anything to help customers whom they give ick to? My guess would be no -- but it wouldn't hurt to ask.
TI doses all their (non invert) tanks pretty heavily with copper which kills ick. Ick is almost always present in aquarium water but the fish are strong and resistant to it. When they become stressed or weakened they get it. It is likely that the new stressed out tang got the ick in your tank.
Ich (Cryptocaryon) can be brought in any fish by a stress situation ( moving to a new tank, being picked on by an aggressive tankmate, tempurature changes, etc.). I use Malachite in the systems NOT copper, unless I absolutely have to. It's easier on the fish. Leo and I also recently refurbished the UV systems to work more efficiently to help eleviate the use of medication.

As Andy said, I also continue to stress the idea of anyone who has a reef tank to quarantine their fish purchases (from us or any supplier) and treat them for at least 2 to 3 weeks (most parasites have a 10-21 day cycle) before putting them into your main system, I also am a major advocate of a PROPERLY installed UV system on a reef tank or any aquarium for that matter.

I know the current TI crew would not knowingly sell someone a diseased fish. If we see a fish that stands out due to sickness/poor health it is removed to the quarantine system in the back. I then treat the entire system it came from as a precaution. The individuals are treated and ONLY brought back out once the have fully recovered. There are also certain fish that we get in that are immediately quarantined and not brought out onto the sales floor until they go through an entire treatment. Porcupine puffers and Spiney Boxfish are the 2 main fish I do this for.
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all the fish ive bought from TI have died and my tank is in pristine condition i know some one[second hand info removed] i have a very long story about a trigger i wanted to purchase. In lamense terms they tryed to sell me a 800 dollar R.O. system in order to buy this fish cause they said my tank conditions werent fine when i test mine evryday and my neighbor is a very experienced hobbiest
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Hey folks, just a reminder that these threads are NOT for commentary. If you want to respond to the person with information you feel might be helpful, do it in PM, email or a thread in a more appropriate forum.

This is not a thread to discuss Ich and causes/treatments... If you have direct -- that is, firsthand -- knowledge or experience with the vendor, please feel free to add it.
Yes they do have ICH, I personally lost $1,000 in live stock in my 92, but also MY FAULT for NOT QTing.

I also want to add that MOST LFS have Ich present in the systems.

IF you don't QT it's YOUR Fault.
All I can add is my personal experience, further details of which are posted on the TI thread. In general, as I was stocking my tank with fish from Tropic Isle I continually lost fish, periodically due to ich. Since I have been getting my fish (I am now up to 11 in my tank) from Skiptons, I have not lost a single fish and have not had any problem with ich. Changing lfs sources for me has been a huge savings as my livestock now stays alive. Although I no longer shop at TI, ericwebster should be commended for forwarning others - as you all know, once ich is in the water system other fish and fish living in connected tanks are very vulnerable. I found the comment from stang8s ("It is likely that the new stressed out tang got the ick in your tank.") reminiscent of what TI always use to tell me when I told them that another one of their fish had died.
I have been buying fish from TI for about a year. I have lost 2 fish within that year. All my fish curerntly in my system with the exception of 2 i bought at TI. Have i ever brought a fish home with Ich? No that i know of. I KNOW i have ich in my system, but i do not run a QT, so that is MY FAULT. Should i? Yes.

You cannot blame OTHER PEOPLE for YOUR OWN faults.
We've removed posts that are not personal experiences. Please do not discuss reefkeeping topics in this forum. Just convey your experiences with the store in question.

Thanks, Nate
Was in Tropic Isle either the day you were or the next. Looked to me like one shipment of tiny (1-1/2") hippos. Those tangs were covered with ich.

I've had pretty good luck at tropic isle for freshwater and brackish. Just getting into salt.
Was in Tropic Isle either the day you were or the next. Looked to me like one shipment of tiny (1-1/2") hippos. Those tangs were covered with ich.

I've had pretty good luck at tropic isle for freshwater and brackish. Just getting into salt.

If they were a recent shipment that would make sense because of all of the stress of bagging shipping and acclimating. I personaly beleive they have become a good store (not price wise though :rolleyes: )
I have a regal angel (3 years) and moorish idol (2 years) in my reef and both were bought from TI. I also have a hippo tang from there (3 years) that periodically has ich and it goes away on its own. For the variety and sheer numbers of display tanks, they do a pretty good job. JMO

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