Long Stringy Strands from Acro


I've had this piece for a few months and it's doing well, polyps open, but noticed these white strands this morning (I'm fairly new with acros). BTW, Greg, it's one of your blue highlighted acro's I bought a while back, awesome coral....
It's sliming.

Some SPS do it regularly to get rid of waste, or when bothered by water conditions, another coral, or you.

I've found that some of the corals that slime a lot need to be given more room than other SPS, because they'll quickly kill another SPS that gets too close. I had a green slimer (understandably one of the slimiest corals I have) fall close to a green digi frag, and that frag was a skeleton in a day, even though I separated them after about an hour. (Fortunately it wasn't anything important, and I can just cut another frag from that quick grower.)
It seems ok now, I took a turkey baster and blew it off. It is about 1/2" away from a purple digi, so I think I'd better move one of them. thanks:)
Sometimes, my acro's throw mesenterial when I feed. They look like slime, but aid in feeding (so I've been told). Maybe that's what you're seeing? Did you see them during or shortly after feeding?
No it wasn't from feeding, in fact I just realized I forgot to feed the tank yesterday I was so busy. LOL, no wonder the fish were knocking each other unconscious every time I walked up to the tank. I did a water change and noticed the water was a little yellow, so the acro was probably choking. I hadn't changed the carbon in a while... I didn't know about mesenterial, that's interesting. You don't read everything in books! thanks:)