Looking for a handy man -- or two (Construction related)


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We are in midst of a lot of work being done at our house, and I'm looking for some quotes on a bunch of projects.

Need to be available asap as this has been going on for almost 3 months and we really need to "move back" into our house now :)

Willing to pay cash or store credit or whatever you prefer.

Please email me directly as I'm not on BRS much often as of late -- archit@lovethereef.com


- Archit
We are in midst of a lot of work being done at our house, and I'm looking for some quotes on a bunch of projects.

Need to be available asap as this has been going on for almost 3 months and we really need to "move back" into our house now :)

Willing to pay cash or store credit or whatever you prefer.

Please email me directly as I'm not on BRS much often as of late -- archit@lovethereef.com


- Archit
Parris Originals has been Painting, wallpapering and Faux finishing coming up on 40 years.

Thank you for the overwhelming response everyone :) We have someone that's going to be finishing up the projects for us. I'll also send emails back to everyone that responded to this.

Give me a call Archit I am sure we can work something out , I am not just a plumber ya know lol

good to know! :) I will next time!

Parris Originals has been Painting, wallpapering and Faux finishing coming up on 40 years.


:) nice, thanks Steve! I'll definitely keep you in mind as well!

- Archit