MACNA Friday Night Cruise Ticket available...

Rick and Sandy

Working hard: still poor!

Will know later today (Monday) if Sandy's Cruise Ticket is available. Will sell for Face Value to the 1st to respond to THIS THREAD!

Thank, Rick
...not sure what the 'Face Value' is yet as we purchased it as part of the package deal. Whatever is printed on the front is what we'll go with. It's probably around $25 or so, I would guess

Please see Ticket transfer thread. Even if we were able to treansfer registrations which we can't at this point, there are no tickets only badges that entitle the named badge holder only to events. Sorry theres no other way at this point.,
Thanks Rob. the 'MACNA Ticket Transfer' thread says, our individual ticket is NOT AVAILABLE.

Sorry for any confusion.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I'm not so sure that we're going to be able to handle ticket transfers beyond those that have already been done. As you all know registration has been closed for quite some time so that Preferred Travel (i.e., Emily) can get everyones tickets and badges ready as well as print passenger lists for the cruise. I think Massport requires us to have a manifest of the passengers so last minute changes are not likely and now is last minute.

Similarly Im not sure any other registration changes other than that which can be done at the door will be made. Everything is already "packed" to go to the show for lack of a better term.

On a personal note, Emily has gone way above and beyond the call of duty for us in handling people individually, making changes above what has been required etc. What I'm saying is please dont take it out on her or her staff. If you want to complain, you know where I can be reached.

P.S. - The tickets have no face value. There will be no scalping in the parking lot :D Individual Cruise tickets were available before registration closed for $50, no price was ever attributed to the cruise as part of the Full Registration.