New tank biological cycle.


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BRS Member
So I am upgrading a 55 gallon tank to a 180 gallon tank. The 180 is up and running, I was able to utilize maybe 20-25 gallons of water from the current tank. There is a small amount of live rock in there currently but will obviously be transferring all the rock I currently have. I just don’t want to stress the fish out and move the rock out before I’m ready to move them. I also have live sand in there.
anyways the 180 is up and running with 12 chromis. And I added the quick start bacteria.
my question for you is, how long would you suggest waiting before finalizing the transfer of all livestock. At what point would I be in the clear of an ammonia/nitrite spike.
I want to make the transfer as soon as possible but I do not want to do it prematurely.
Any thoughts?
note:it’s gonna be a FOWLER tank. Some soft corals will be transferred but nothing im concerned about.
If you move the live rock and fish from the 55 into the 180 you're basically moving the biological filter along with the fish. The problem is you now have 12 Chromis in the 180 that's going to cause an imbalance.
The LR is your filter, water means very little as does sand.
Many tank up grades have been done with new sand beds and there's been very little ammonia spike if any.
How many fish are we talking about in the 55 gallon?
And how long has this tank been running?
If you move the live rock and fish from the 55 into the 180 you're basically moving the biological filter along with the fish. The problem is you now have 12 Chromis in the 180 that's going to cause an imbalance.
The LR is your filter, water means very little as does sand.
Many tank up grades have been done with new sand beds and there's been very little ammonia spike if any.
How many fish are we talking about in the 55 gallon?
And how long has this tank been running?
I should have been clear, I am not transferring the sand, it’s all new. As far as livestock, I have a medium emperor angel, a medium blue angel, medium yellow tang, 4 inch wrasse (unsure what’s kind), a mandarin, and 2 clowns. Been about 2-2.5 years running.

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