Pohl’s Coral Vitalizer and Amino Acid Concentrate LPS - Korallen-Zucht


My hammers seem to be a little droopy these days and not really happy. I’m pretty sure I suffer from low nutrients. I do try to dose ESV B-Ionic Nitrate when I feel like I can only get one feeding in a day but I'm not consistent. So I'm going to give these guys a try and see what happens. My acans seem to be pretty happy, and that's what I have for LPS. I do dose Reef Energy Plus (AB+) daily for the most part and when I'm not home I have Acropower in my automatic dose.
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Whoa that is a killer acan garden! And the gold tip hammer is fire. Everything looks healthy from this vantage point!
Thank You I don't know if I made a mistake with the acan garden. I think I would appreciate more sand bed. Make it look more open.