rinsing new sand with non ro water


I got some super sweet new Marco Rocks sand I've got to rinse for my new tank. I've read you're supposed to use RO water to rinse it. I have some on hand but not enough. Is using tap water OK?

WTB, this sand is so nice, can't wait!

I have never used anything but tap water straight out of the hose. Lowes sells 5 gallon paint strainer bags that are perfect for rinsing sand. Put a half dozen cups of sand in the bag and away you go.
How much sand are you talking about? I soaked 15 pounds of sand in a 5 gallon bucket with rodi water for a week or two changing out the water every couple of days, in theory the phosphates in the sand are released this way.
We rinsed the sand in our 75 gallon with tap water, it was from marco rocks too. We didn't have any problems it was just a huge PITA to rinse 160 lbs of sand in a bath tub, since it was winter and in an apartment, lol
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