silversides for anemone


25g Waterbox
Is there another name for silversides? Most grocery store seafood dept's don't recognize the name. Also where do you get silversides? I have been using smelts cut into pieces but they seem too big to use a whole one.

One more question (not for the squeamish) can live foods be used as well like mollies or other brackish water fish?

Most lfs will sell silversides. They last me quite a while. I break them into smaller pieces before feeding. My RBTA seems to have an easier time eating that way. As for using Mollies, I think it's alot easier to break off a piece of silverside form a package in the freezer than dealing with live foods. I'm not so sure they would have the proper nutrients as well. I know it's not a good thing to feed Lion Fish and other salt water carnivores fresh water fish on a regular basis.
you can get frozen silversides at your LFS you can buy uncooked shrimp,scallops etc at the grocery store as well
I'll check the LFS, I don't know why I didn't think of checking the freezer, duh. I am running around to every grocery store I can find. :D

Mollies are brackish water fish that can be easily acclimated to saltwater, I assumed freshwater would be bad nutritionally I just thought the anemone may like to feel like it is "fighting" for it's lunch instead of getting an easy meal all the time, mine really packs back the food.
I feed chunks of smelt, scallop, shrimp (all raw of course) and it picks up some fish mush and mysis regularly from the water column.

Do you think anemones can tell the difference between live and dead food? That is a difficult question, they allow clownfish to live in their tentacles; so they know the difference between hosted clownfish and other prey......
I don't know about the live or dead thing but I've read that they give off a significant amout of amonia when they are fed. I could be wrong about this, just what I've read. Not to say you should never feed them. I would just be careful of "packing" it with food every day.
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