Tank Emergency help!


Hi everyone,
I have a 90 gal tank with some lps, a hippo and a clownfish. Tank is very lightly stock. Tank is 2 months old. Rocks been curing for 5 months before adding to the tank. Last night, it was doing fine. Later that night, the skimmer went haywire and was overflowing back into the sump. I turned it off and this morning, the tank water is really cloudy. I turned the skimmer back on and it overflowed at first, now its back to normal. Ammonia is 0, Nitrite is 0, Nitrate is 0. Everything seems to be doing fine, however only the turbo snails seems stressed out. All of them were on their back moving all over the place as if they are suffocating. The only thing I can think of was that last night as I was cleaning the outside glass with Windex, I took the cloth and cleaned around the center brace. I sprayed the windex on the cloth first then wipe. Didn't spray it directly onto the brace. Could it have gotten into the water and caused all this? I did this many times before and nothing happened. Any ideas suggestions would help
maybe with the windex

they make vinegar based solutions that clean just as well and wont kill you and the tank lol

did u account for all the fish and whatever corals,

sounds like something died
Hi everyone,
I have a 90 gal tank with some lps, a hippo and a clownfish. Tank is very lightly stock. Tank is 2 months old. Rocks been curing for 5 months before adding to the tank. Last night, it was doing fine. Later that night, the skimmer went haywire and was overflowing back into the sump. I turned it off and this morning, the tank water is really cloudy. I turned the skimmer back on and it overflowed at first, now its back to normal. Ammonia is 0, Nitrite is 0, Nitrate is 0. Everything seems to be doing fine, however only the turbo snails seems stressed out. All of them were on their back moving all over the place as if they are suffocating. The only thing I can think of was that last night as I was cleaning the outside glass with Windex, I took the cloth and cleaned around the center brace. I sprayed the windex on the cloth first then wipe. Didn't spray it directly onto the brace. Could it have gotten into the water and caused all this? I did this many times before and nothing happened. Any ideas suggestions would help

Did you add anything to the tank prior to the skimmer going nuts? Meds, food and even top off water in enough of a quantity will make a skimmer go bonkers. As far as clouding the water, what is your temp? Any chance a temp swing may have stressed out your corals? Smell near the water... Anything funky?
a dead turbo will definitely get your attention in terms of a bad smell.
I always feed them dried freeze brine shrimp every night. I have ATO with RO water. No meds added. Temperature is always around the range of 78-81 and PH is always around the range of 7.8-8.3. Temp currently is 80 and PH is currently 7.9. Will the skimmer take out all the cloudy water or how much should I change. Tank smell fine, no sign of die off except turbos are all stressed out
If you have the ability I would start running some fresh carbon, should help clear/clean the water up. What kind of skimmer is it? I used to have one that would just go nuts every once in a blue moon and would have to be readjusted, so I chunked it in the trash and bought a better one :)
Use a vinegar and water solution instead of Windex.
Better yet,just use ro/di water to wipe stuff down with.
I hope you are checking your alk on occasion.
Went to have the water checked at lovely pet. Nitrite is 1. Everything else is in check. Owner recommended some nitrifying bacteria. Any way to clear up the water? Its really cloudy right now, I cant see the other side. Skimmer is a Reef Octopus Extreme 200
Any carbon will do? the stuff that they sell at petco? I never used carbon before, only in my fresh water tank
As long as you wash it well you should be ok. You should not use it often because it's high in ash. It will do the job tho.
You can run carbon 24/7 with no problems just make sure you change it out every few weeks
I run a sock of carbon with a tablespoon or so of phosphate remover in my sump. Wash the stuff VERY VERY WELL though :) I usually rinse it very well using tap water in the kitchen to get rid of the worst of it. I'll then soak swish it around and let it soak in a bucket of RODI for a day or two before putting it into the sump. With quality carbon I change it out every 4 weeks..

I did a quick wash once, stuck it in a bag.. and right into the water. The carbon cloud that ensued wasn't fun to deal with. Lots of water changes followed along with panic :)

I wash my tank glass with paper towels soaked in tap water. I then follow with a dry towel. works great. If I -really- need to clean the grime up, then a weak vinegar/water solution may work ok. I try to stay away from cleaning chems.
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