TIL tigertail cukes can split!


i would rather be diving
today i learned that cucumbers split to form 2. i sold a pink and black cucumber to another reefer today, and i was relaxing watching animal videos on youtube when i noticed my zebra moray was roaming about. i decided to feed him. i had recently sprayed some insect soap on houseplants and didn't want to risk any contamination, so i broke out my arm-length aquarium gloves. the gloves are really nice to have, but you loose about 85% of the dexterity in your hands. i was trying to feed the eel, he was mildly interested, but the 3 starfish he hangs out with snagged every piece of shrimp i put in front of the eel. seriously, he was 0-3 against the starfish. i was clumsily fishing around trying to grab a few of the pieces of shrimp back, when i saw my tigertail cucumber in the front of a large rock. cool, try not to bother that area looking for shrimp. i shine a flash light in the back of the tank looking to see if any of the pieces floated away. . .and there is another tigertail cuke. i know i have pistol shrimp tunnels under the rocks that the cukes like to use as warp points across the tank, but no way is this cuke stretching out +22". i now have 2 tigertail cukes! i, of course, frantically search online to see if this is normal or if someone decapitated part of it somehow. luckily, it was the former; both sections look good and are moving. i also found several other instances of this happening online, which is always reassuring.

i love this hobby and the neat things you find happening in your little reef.

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