Free Toadstools


"Diogenes", I said, "you have come down further in the world."

The hermit crab sat on a toadstool, smoking a tiny hookah and regarding me coolly. At length it spoke.

"I never did find an honest man. I took to the sea. A shell is a more fitting home than that old cask. And this" - one eyestalk indicated the hookah - "has illuminated more for me than my lantern ever did."*

But! You the readers interrupt my story to ask: What was the crab sitting on again? We can suspend disbelief only so far. A toadstool under the sea?

And I say - oh yes. It was


a soft coral of which I have far too many examples in my tank. I wish to share this bounty with you folks.

They seem to be happy in moderate-to-high flow and light. They may benefit from supplemental iodide (in moderation).

I have two kinds:
(1) fluorescent light-green "skin" with pink wavy polyps
(2) pink "skin" with fluorescent green wavy polyps.

There are several of each. They vary between two and six inches in diameter and are generally a bit taller than their diameter.

Available for pickup this weekend in Somerville MA.

* Crabs can be wrong.


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Damn you - forcing me to learn stuff on a Sunday morning. 800 species of hermit crabs - who knew? But Google failed me on the question of why there's one genus of hermit crabs called diogenes. I'm kinda' hoping it's because of the whole "lived in a cask" thing.

One green* colony remains! Priority goes to anyone who can pick it up in Somerville this evening.

* Type 2, pictured on the left
I just wanted to say thank you to Jessi and Matt for the corals!! You two are amazing and if was so much fun to get to meet you!!! Two of the kindest people ever!!