Weird worm or bug


I’m back again with another creature I just found. Never seen it during the day and it could be a worm but I really have no idea. I just found this while recording a video of the other hitchhiker that I found. It freaked me out and haven’t been able to get a really good picture of it since it seems to shy away from the light. It’s the black thing on the right. It seems to have some sort of antenna or multiple arms or something coming from the front and it seems like it’s all black.


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on the right is a type of gammarid amphipod, the worm is harder. Hopefully not a Eunice worm but that was my initial response as the coloration isn’t spot on with a standard bristle and the “head” looks more detailed than a standard worm.
I will disagree with the black critter being a gammarid amphipod for one reason: I think it is a small herbivorous sea slug called Elysia spp. @afboundguy took pictures of his a couple months ago. It is not an amphipod and might be one of these if it glides like a snail on its foot. If it crawls and scampers, maybe the amphipod Id is correct. Look up Elysia and the other posts. The worm pic is better this time. Let me see if I can narrow that down. I don’t think it is the Eunice worm at all. Which end is the mouth or head end left or right?
Check this page. First post might be your worm. The slug or gammarid might be a flatworm. Read down the page. There are pictures too.
Wetwebmedia was the earliest days of internet reef talk with experts. Lots of valuable things on it. Google still picks up if you search bravely (use phrases and questions with detailed words).
@gobyvin wow I’m pretty sure that’s it! Thank you and the black creature did crawl over the rocks. I’ve tried so many searches but I’ll try to be better next time. The mouth seems to be on the right in that picture though. @PSU4ME honeslty a little tempted feels like I see something that freaks me out every month haha
No problem, I love to help. I was suggesting that Google helps me find them... not that you should... I am a marine biologist, and took extra invert courses in college, tropical and temperate versions in Atlantic and Pacific too. Did you happen to scroll down that page to see the black flatworm too, just so happens that your ID for both your mystery creatures might be on that same page.
Yea I was just thinking it’s crazy you found it. That’s really awesome! Would have loved to have been a marine biologist :). I did see the part on that and i think it’s more of an amphipod. It crawled over the rock pretty fast when it saw the light and also seemed more bug like. if the part I read is the one you’re talking about.
Amphipod are great for the tank. Free micro herbivores.
Yes, that should be right.
Marine Biologists are not just surrounded by fish and jumping dolphins all the time, but it isn’t a bad career. I am glad it helped!