Yellow Tail Damsel Vs clown fish and female anthias


Good morning everyone,

I need your opinion on getting a yellowtail damsel. Yes I heard they are aggressive but they are very pretty and small also. Anyway, Those are the fishes that I currently have right now.

1 Purple tang
2 Potter angels
2 Lyretail Anthias
2 True perc clown fishes.

They are in a standard 75 gallons tank.

Do you think the damsel will chase the two clown fishes and the female anthias and beat them up??
Those 3 fishes are the smallest fishes in my tank and I worry that they get beaten up by the damsel.
I dont' think the damsel is mean and big enough to mess with my Purple tang or the pair of potter angel or even the male Anthias.

So if you kept a yellow tail damsel in a standard 75 gallons or bigger, please let me know what you think.

I have a yellow tail in a 90 gallon along with:

Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Coral Beauty
Mated pair of clown fish
Green Chromis

It basically picks a spot to call home and then defends that area.It's not all that aggressive to the other fish.
I would be more worried about your purple tang attacking the yellow tail damsel.
My Purple tang is pretty passive. It only hates my female Potter.
I introduced two clown fishes and it didn't even care or pay attention to them.
Then you should be fine.The YT damsel in my tank has been there for over 3 years.
I used to have a Blue devil damsel in there as well.They used to dart at each other once in a while.
They're territorial,so anything that comes by their home they might dart at,including you.
I'm not sure if he's just a weirdo or not, but my YT damsel is the friendliest fish I have. He is very social and always trying to hang out with whatever fish seem to be doing the most interesting thing. Come to think of it he's on such good terms with everyone, my Clarkii's will let him close to their anemone even when they are tending to eggs. I guess he must be very charming or something.
It basically picks a spot to call home and then defends that area.It's not all that aggressive to the other fish.

I've kept YT Damsels as well and they did the same thing. The all had a piece of rock or crevasse to defend and bothered nobody else.
Hmm yeah it sounds like mine must be insane in the membrane or something. Not that I'm complaining. Heh.