picked up a clam at CMAC this morning

What do u mean contagious???? If it is pinched mantle, will it hurt any other things in my tank? What about an RO dip for like 20-30 mins? any thoughts?

It seems only affect other clams. Freshwater dip will kill the clam faster IMO. But some reported success.
It is dying, notice the receding around the edges, thats a sure sign of it dying. Is the knuckle attached? I see cyano on your sandbed, p04 kills clams quicker than anything.. I'd suggest putting it in a container and target feeding and also getting the cyano under control.. Otherwise that clam is toast. It actually looks like its a little too late... But I'd still isolate and target feed

Target feeding does nothing for clams.
I dont know whats going on with him. Now he is out again. That algea on the sand is from me making a drastic light change recently. My Phosphate is actually quite low. My Calcium and DKH is right on too. If he is dying, will he harm anything else in my tank

It wont harm anything, unless it dies and you let it rot in your tank. But if by harming you mean releasing something poisonous, then I dont think so.
Thanks. That's a relief. I'm not sure if he's dying or not. He opened up right after that pic. I was going to try moving him but he's attached himself to the epoxy disc under the sand
I wouldnt dip in in FW either
how is it today

maybe double check ur alk, calc and mag...never hurts
He was shur when I left this morning but the lights were off. He looked ok last night though. Ill post a new pic when I get home today.
Ok......so my clam must have tipped himself over and detaches from the epoxy, but he looks a hundred times better. So Im not sure. Maybe he just isnt happy on the disc??? Thoughts???
put a flat piece of rock or a clam shell under the sand and let the clam attach to it. It will dig down 'til it can anchor it's foot.
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