17,000G Tank!!!!!!!!

damn people beating me to the aquarium built into the house idea.
I really wonder how much it was to build the house/tank.
FYI, its not really 17,000 gallons, that was a miscalculation, I cannot remember the exact gallons, but it is somewhere in that thread. Once you pass that 10,000 gallon mark, does it really matter? :)
I've been waiting for this too ever since the thread was closed on RC...insane planning in that thing.
OMG.. I just looked through the whole thing. That has to be the longest thread I have ever seen. Great tank ... wish I was in the same business as him!!!
I spent WAY too much time at work reading the whole thread! I thought it was some older guy who won the lottery - he looks 30 (if that) and has his own medical equipment refurbishing company - I don't think he graduated from high school! And the drama when his gf breaks up with him....yeesh! Amazing thread - thanks! (My boss thanks you too!)
did you see some of the pics from the hall into the fish room....OMG that house is enormus........ i am so jealous. and ya did he graduate from highschool? he cant even spell teh.....lol

lets talk about money to burn.... did you see where he was talking about how he wants a forest in the house and he was gonna have another tank built about 30, 000 - 50,000 gallons and an atrium and tie them both together.... he was talking $750,000.

Easy to see why the guy has so much dough... he completely built/designed that house and aquarium himself. Very clever guy!
I have been following that thread for some time now and it is truly amazing how much $$ that guy has hanging around.

I think I would marry him....LOL
i read that thread last night and enjoyed the entire thing. Ty for the link.

I would love to see it in person when its fully stocked and running but I wouldnt want to deal with any of that maintenance.
With that much cash I don't think he will worry about maintanence, he just might hire a small crew.
He said he was going to get certified on a rebreather and dive the tank.....
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