75 Tuesday! 80 Wednesday! Is your tank ready?


Looks like it's time for the perennial 'heads up' thread. Temperatures should hit 75 tomorrow for just about all of us, and I'm supposed to hit 81 up here in Lawrence on Wednesday!

Might be time to put the AC in the windows, throw a few soda bottles of water in the freezer, and make sure you've got fans on the sump and lights.

Last April was my first summer-weather with a reef tank, and I was really caught by suprise when my tank went over 85 on the first warm day. :eek:

Hopefully I can get my basement sump hooked up tonight. Looks like I'm going to need it this week.

Once we are moved upstairs I may change the light schedule. I was thinking 5p-1am. That way I can still enjoy the tank at night, & the fish still have some total darkness for sleep
This will be the first summer for my tank... house is at 72 now, tank is at 82 (normal)... I'd rather not turn on the central AC so early in the season, but if need be, it'll be on.

just got an email from aquacontroller:

Current Status is:

Apr 18 15:37:01
Temp pH ORP
84.2 7.99 415

but the temp probe is always a bit off, so i'd assume (and hope) it is actually 82
Syris said:
Wooo. Thanks Nate for the heads up. I need to put my clip-on fan back on the sump

No Problem Bill!

One step closer to getting the basement sump on line. Not sure if it'll be tomorrow, but certainly by Wednesday it should be going.
I have noticed a 2 degree increase in my tank temperature over the last 3 days. That is with 175 gallons in the basement, and only 125 upstairs. I thought the cooler temps down in the basement would help, and maybe they do, but not as much as I had hoped.
Mark, put a couple big fans blowing over your enormous sumps in the basement. That should be more than enough cooling power.
This will be my first summer with the new tank (150 gal). I experienced high tank temps in the 90 gal. when I lived in a downtown condo, but hopefully the basement will keep the 150 relatively cool.
Time will tell.
Nate, I know I could use fans, but I am concerned about the humidity... not a good situation :(
My temps are stable.. 80-81 degrees but what i've noticed is the big increase in Evap. Went through a gallon yesterday. on a 29 gal...
Armando said:
holy. it's 90 degrees in my apt!

How did you make out with the heat, did you catch it in time? I hope your tanks are ok, it might be time to turn on the AC.
I screwed my fan directly to my canopy yesterday and have some water freezing.........it's going to be a long summer!!!!
tank temp went up to 85.3 according to the ac log.

i changed the photoperiod tonight. lights will be on 9am-4pm, actinics will be on 3pm to 10pm so i can enjoy seeing the tank in the evening.

it's gonna be a hot summer!