~~ "ACRO" POWER! Group-buy? (not the additive ...) :) ~~


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We have 15 mari-cultured cherry of cherries picked acros coming in tomorrow night -- My awesome supplier hand-picked out 15 of the best looking acros in their cherry section, and they're arriving here tomorrow with our fish order :) Based on past experience I can tell you that you won't be disappointed :)

So! how about we do a group-buy? :) $50 each colony if you guys can grab all 15 colonies tomorrow night itself!! I do not let ANY CORALS in our tanks without being dipped ... and I'm just wayyyy too tired to do a Bayer dip tomorrow night :p So if you guys can come together and purchase all 15 colonies, they'll be $50 each!! (normally $75-$150 each!)

Please use this thread to organize the group buy as you would like to figure out who gets to pick what and in what order -- I'd like to get the full payment from just "1" person, and that person will be in-charge of delivery/communication with all other buyers; you're all welcome to meet here if that works for everyone.

Ideally pickup will be here tomorrow between 5:30pm and 7:30pm.

Please note: In the event of a DOA (water in the bag is brown when there are DOAs so we can tell right away), we will refund for the DOA colonies.


- Archit
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If someone from RI or close to northern RI is going I'll be in for one. Won't be able to drive there tomorrow
I would be interested in one for $50 sure but I don't have the energy to organize and I wouldn't be able to pick up till after 930pm
All 15 acros pending. Someone is about to get an insane instant collection! :)

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Wow $750 of sps love to see Picts whoever got them
And would like to get a frag of each

They look awesome!!!! :) I can't wait for the next shipment! :p

Thank you again Johnny!
Based on the interest, would you guys want me to organize a group buy for these ultra acros?

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I would be interested provided someone could help me get my purchase closer to Rhode Island. I rarely go near Boston except for the Micro Center in Cambridge.
Me as well in RI. Depending on day and times I would be willing to make the drive for the RI people for a little gas money.