Acro turning white


Picked up an acro last night. Looked great when I went to bed. Was very pale (almost white) this morning. :( Other SPS look fine.

Any advice?
Where was it in the tank it came from, under what lights?

Where did you put it in your tank, under what lights?

My first guess would be that it needs acclimated to your lights, and should be lowered down in the tank a bit, but that's a random guess.

What type of acro is it? Is it wild-collected?
Not sure what type of acro. Not wild caught: got it from Greg Hiller at a presentation he did at Port City Reef in Portland. I believe he had it under 400 watt MH. I put it 5" from the surface under 10K 150 DE MH.
I don't know. Is it getting white at the tips or the base?

Maybe it's just too little light, but I'd expect it to brown up a bit first before crapping out.
I always start my corals low in the tank. Even Greg's. The coral is probably stressed from being bagged and transported. Putting it up in the light that soon is probably the cause.
is it all white already? Can you post a pic?? As Darren said above...I also start my frags (all of them) on the sand for a week or 2 before moving them up. How long was your acclimation?? HOw long was the frag in the bag before you acclimated??

Saw your other post about testing ... can they water parameters be way off and the frags got shocked?? Just guessing.....
Here is what I posted in the Maine forum on RC yesterday, I think it explains the situation, the tank temp was about 86F!!

>Temp of tank was a bit hot - let me know about any losses
The temp of the water was a bit on the high side in the tank that I was displaying my frags at PCR in. Some of the corals by the end of the night were a bit stressed. If anybody has any losses in the next few days that they attribute to stress on any of the frags just let me know by email and I will replace them.<

Hitting a frag with high light could also of course be stressful, but in this case the problem might have been the tank temp at the shop.
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