Aggressive Pajama cardinal?????


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BRS Member

I have a big PJ card that was the first fish to go into my display about 6 weeks ago. I got him free from a member I had picked up some equipment from. He was in that persons tank alone for about 10 months. The tank was not kept up but he survived on pods I guess.

I took him home QTed him for 6 weeks, then put him in the display. I have since had 2 very young pj's and one very young bangaii in my qt for 4 weeks. They are healthy, so I put them in the display today all together.

The Big PJ immediately began to chase and nip at the other 2 small pj's. The smaller of the 2 small one's was bullied a bit by the other small one while in qt, but nothing major. Now the smallest one's fins are all torn up from the big Pj, and even the other small one is still bullying it a bit. I cannot get at the small one. I have been trying for an hour and a half straight. NO CHANCE. I have a 47 column that is 30" deep with a lot of branch, rock, etc. I may be able to get the big Pj out and put him in my 10 Gal. qt, but I wouldn't want to have him in there for ever, 10 gal. is too small long term.

The bangaii btw is fine. The big pj ran at it a few times, but the bangaii turned around, waved it's tail at it a few times and the big Pj left it alone. This happened a few times and the big pj now leaves it alone.

Any constructive advice would be great. When I say no chance to get the tiny pj out, I mean that literally. I would have to remove everything, even at that i would have no where to put all the peppermints(8), crabs, snails, rock, etc..... no chance.

I set this tank up for seahorses (was going to add them soon), and gentle fish, ie; PJ card's and 1 bangaii. WTH!!!
I have three PJ's and one of them is aggressive towards the other two (not hurting them though). But not aggressive to anything else in the tank. Maybe he is just showing the others that he is the boss PJ in the tank
Do you think he will back off over time? I haven't been able to catch him either, although I know it would be possible eventually. He still races towards the bangaii, but the bangaii just turns his back to him and waves his tail. The aggressive pj leaves it alone...crazy.

I am concerned about feeding time. The tiny one is going to need to heal up. At least if it eats, it will get better. That is if it doesn't have a heart attack first.

This is a total bummer. I though i was setting up a peaceful tank.
Thanks for the input ceige, it helped.

I fed the tank last night and they all ate together without an issue. After the food, they all took their places. Meaning, the big Pj swam out front and charged at the little ones to keep them in the rock work. The bangaii seems to have submitted as well.

They all ate well, but I am concerned about the smallest PJ. His lower and middles fins are nipped and shredded pretty good. He ate very well and seems to swim okay. I guess I should just let it ride a while.

40 views, 1 comment. Anyone else go through this type of thing?

Thank you
It sounds like they are starting to settle into their new roles just fine. I bet the little guy will look normal again in a few weeks.

The differences due to group hierarchy is pretty cool thing to experience… IMO