Anemone Reproduction


Has anyone here had Rock Flower anemones (Phymanthus crucifer) reproduce in their tanks? I have read a thread from a few years ago on Michigan reefers but that is all I can find. I have a red male (they are evidently male or female) in my tank that releases sperm but I do not yet know if I have any females. I appreciate hearing about any other experiences.
How to tell male or female?
I used to have a large green rock anemone that smoked once a while.
I don't think there is any way to tell the difference unless you see the male releasing sperm. From what I have been able to gather, the females internally brood offspring and then release young anemones from buds.
That is very cool, may be I should get back to keeping some of these anemone.
I thought most nems could splt/self-reproduce in one form or another. I had a single beaded-nem in my 2nd tank and after about a month noticed it had dropped a baby.

Don't recall who it was, but someone bought it at the last Oxford meeting. It was awesome.
I thought most nems could splt/self-reproduce in one form or another. I had a single beaded-nem in my 2nd tank and after about a month noticed it had dropped a baby.

Don't recall who it was, but someone bought it at the last Oxford meeting. It was awesome.

Unfortunately, the Rock Flowers do not do this. I wish they did! Cut these in half and you end up with a dead anemone cut in half. :)
I have that baby. Unfortunately it is not doing too good. When I switched to a larger tank it bleached completely. Now it is completely white and while it I am trying to nurse it back I am not sure it will work in the end; it does take food but has not gained any color in the last 2 months. Funny thing is, the bubble tip that made the same trip through tanks is doing better than ever.
How bright is your light? I have between 350-500 PAR and mine prefer to be vertical as they don't like the seriously bright light. I had a small one that was in full exposure and it disappeared a couple weeks ago. I think it bailed but is somewhere in the rock. I am hoping it crawls out one day. They definitely like to be fed.
I thought most nems could splt/self-reproduce in one form or another. I had a single beaded-nem in my 2nd tank and after about a month noticed it had dropped a baby.

Don't recall who it was, but someone bought it at the last Oxford meeting. It was awesome.

Is that your green/brown anemone? I have a daughter of that one. The thing is getting big.
Is that your green/brown anemone? I have a daughter of that one. The thing is getting big.

I had a lot of nems... too many. lol. The one I was referring to was the beaded-nem, looks like a flower, was darkish-pink/brown. The 'mother' was about 5 inches around, and the baby when I sold it was only about an inch.

Besides those two I had the green/white rock nem, the tube nem, and 5 or 6 GBTAs. The BTAs were splitting like crazy.

Glad to hear yours is going well!
don't have a PAR meter but when I moved the rock with it to the new tank I made sure it gets some light. It moved, to a spot I believe has very little light and is attached to the underside of a rock arch; it extends itself towards the light but strangely it extends towards the side with less light. I have 60W of cool blue leds (6x10w) and 20w od royal blue (2x10w). Getto fixture made from ebay leds and drivers, not dimmable. planning to upgrade at some point to the "dream chips"; if anybody has some experience with them please let me know.
The bubble tip is hiding underneath a rock as well so I guess I have more light than I initially thought; or maybe there's something else wrong that I can not figure out, ...
now this really worries me - I woke up having 2 bubble tip, they both migrated from the original spot. one is really close, still on the bottom under a rock, the other climbed a little higher, about 1/2 height of the tank.
any advise?
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