Apex Wav Maker help


I recently upgraded to an Apex system. I have the WAV starter kit hooked up. One of the WAV pumps is working fine based on the schedule set. I have the 2nd WAV pump set up to the same schedule but the pump only turns on every 7-10 seconds and the propeller turns once and then turns off... then repeat. (In AUTO mode). When I turn the pump to ON it turns on full blast. Any ideas why/how this pump is not responding to the schedule?
I’d open a ticket with neptunes, those wave makers are famous for getting messed up
Why don’t you try swapping the cables for the Wav pumps at the powerbar first, should tell you if it’s a problem with the Wav pump or a problem with the programming.
thanks guys, I'm going to give it a try and then open a ticket if its not working. Thanks for the responses
I have it set to the same schedule as the other wav
have you tried to put the second one in sync mode with the first one?

setting stuff up on Apex is much easier by using the “Task” feature. It walks you through the standards