Aquarium notes .apk


Hey fellow reefers,

Just came across this app and its a pretty cool way to keep track of everything you do to your reef digitally...

Anyone using it?

Search Google store: "aquarium notes"
Sorry not sure if they have Apple version I'm sure they do im just an android user so can't confirm.
I have Aquarimate but don’t really use it. I start to but then it just gets pushed to the side lol
I've been using aquatic log for 2 years... free... useful features are log for test results and diary for dates and info when you made changes
I have a nice Excel spreadsheet that someone made years ago on Reef Central for tracking parameters equipment and corals with averages and such. If anyone wants it PM your email address and I'll send it out.
My desktop computer is literally inches from my tank so I just spin the desk chair around and open up my reef chemistry and reef breeding word documents and update accordingly... Seems to work well for me...
Yeah I guess it comes down to what you are use to and what is convenient for you.
Thats the easiest way to stay consistent make it as easy as possible so that you will not mind doing it.

Anyone wants to go the smartphone root i have used a few different aquarium tracker apps and this one seems the most put together.
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