Barnacle Blennies


Anyone on here have Barnacle Blennies? I've decided to get a few (probably 3) as the next additions to my tank after seeing them at Unique Aquaria (and falling in love with their cuteness). If you have more than one of them, do they all hang out together, or do they kind of disperse and find their own spots in the tank? Are they known to be a pretty hardy fish? I was thinking about getting one of those fake barnacles you can find at Petco, etc. for them to hide in. I've also got tons of caves and holes in my live rock, so I think the environment will be more than fine for them, I just want to make sure that they're not overly delicate. I don't bother with delicate fish :p

Any experiences, pictures, thoughts etc.? My tank is a 58 gallon with 2 ocellaris clowns. Other future tankmates are a cherub angel and possibly a mandarin way down the road. Any potential incompatibilities here?
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