battery air pump help


power has been out since 2am. I have 2 battery air pumps going on my 125, but they don't have airstones on them (couldn't find them). is it okay that they are just bubbling, or should I try to find a pet store that has power??

I have no idea how long the power will be out.

Open tube can be better than a stone if I remember correctly. No need for a stone, just be sure to weight the tube down so it doesn't float out of the tank.
They might be a little more efficient with the stones attached.
Leaving to go find a LFS with power is a tough call.Not really sure how bad your area is so it could be dangerous.Hopefully someone in your area will check in.
I wouldn't worry about it. There is less back pressure without them, so they pump more air without the stones, but the bubbles are bigger so there is probably less surface area for gas exchange. If you have the tube down far in your tank, I can't imagine there will be an issue without the stones.
I would think the stone would provide many times the surface area for gas exchange, if you could find it I would use it.

what is all this storm talk and power outages??

Boston was fine last night...a little rain thats all, I was at work til midnight working on my final project for school and it was only raining the time aI was there.

Where was this storm
thanks all. I actually found one in my fish closet, so one is with and one is without airstone.

I think I will head to staples though and get a UPS to run one of my MJ's, just to be a little more safe. anyone have recommendations? I know nothing about UPS units.

If your main concern is gas exchange, I would think the deeper the line is placed in the tank the better.
