Been waiting for this for a long time!!!!


Hi all,

My name is Tim and I live in western MA. I just bought my first house last year so now it's time.... I've been around (and taken care of) mixed reef tanks for almost 5 years. My old roommate had a 110gal bowfront that I helped start and would periodically take care of. Unfortunately this tank is no longer running due to the October snowstorm we had :( I am by no means a pro at reef keeping but I do understand the basics of the biology of the system and I'm armed with a wealth literature that I consistently read. I'm open to criticism and any personal experiences. I'm jumping into the fire with a size and setup that I'll be happy with, sorry nano tank :)

I'm currently in the design phase of my custom build. I've settled on doing a 120 gal rect in acrylic. I'm going to custom build my stand. The sump will be in the basement directly under the tank. I've got the space for a large sump so I'm thinking about 100 gal. No refugium. LR in the DT and sump. 2" sand bed. Reef octopus external skimmer. I've decided against LEDS just don't feel like the technology is quite there yet for growing SPS so T5's it is.


Does anyone know a GOOD local acrylic tank manufacturer or dealer?

Anyone use aT5/LED combo? If so how are your sps doing?